Step 1: How to Pick a Profitable Niche [In 5 Minutes]

 Thousands of new bloggers constantly ask me this one question “How should I pick a niche for my blog?”.

That’s a valid question to ask as a beginner. Your blog’s success starts with your niche selection.

Unfortunately, most people get this one thing wrong. Either they pick a BROAD topic or WRONG niche. That’s why 99% of the new bloggers quit!

If you don’t want that to happen and are looking for some foolproof ways to pick a money-making niche, here are 3 SOLID tips for you.

Focus On ONE Topic ONLY

When choosing a niche, don’t go for broad niche ideas like “make money online”.

Why? Because there are millions of sites covering the same topic. So even if you create exceptional content, it’s extremely difficult to succeed because of HUGE competition.

Instead, go for narrow niches like “make money with freelancing”.

When creating a new website, you should narrow down to just ONE method, for example, “make money with freelancing”.

You can narrow down even further such as “make money with freelance writing” so there will be even less competition so you can create epic content to get #1 rankings in Google.

That’s how you can build an authority blog in a smaller niche and dominate that niche to make huge profits in the long run.

That being said, here are some of the profitable niche ideas for 2022:

  • Make Money Online
  • Finance
  • Travel or Outdoor
  • Fitness
  • Self Help Or Personal Development
  • Relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Real Estate
Quick Note: You can also check out the list of profitable niche ideas where you can find all the ideas on picking a niche.

Note that the above niche ideas are “broad niches”. You should narrow down those ideas to just ONE topic such as “affiliate marketing tips for small businesses” instead of “affiliate marketing” (OR) “SEO training for copywriters” instead of creating a site around “SEO”.

A great niche has the following 3 things in common:

  1. What you enjoy doing (I enjoy doing “SEO”)
  2. What people will pay for (people spend billions of dollars on “SEO”)
  3. What you’re good at (I’ve been doing “SEO” my whole life)
niche interest

Are you getting it? That’s why my blog BloggersPassion mostly covers the topic “SEO”.

You should also follow a similar approach. Only when you narrow down to just ONE method or topic, you’ll have high chances to succeed!

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